Track active and inactive world events, and stay up-to-date with which events you've already completed for the day.
With this tool, you'll never miss another world boss event. Be notified before they start, with customizable alert times.
View the state of all objectives in a particular WvW map, including the owning world, distance to the objective, and time until the objective is ready for capture.
With detailed customization, be immediately notified when an objective has been captured within WvW.
View real-time distance and direction information for zone completion objectives. Show/hide specific types of objectives, and automatically mark locations as completed on a per-character basis.
Want to know when Ecto has dropped in price? This tool will tell you. Be notified when certain items have reach a Buy Order threshold or Sale Listing price on the Trading Post.
Track Buy Order and Sale Listing prices from the Trading Post in real-time, for any number of items, and view basic historical price graphs right on top of your game.
Calculate profit, taxes, and break-even prices for buying/selling items on the in-game Trading Post.
Automatically keep track of your daily dungeon path completions, and look up dungeon completion guides and rewards with just a few clicks.
Keep track of how long it takes to complete dungeon paths. Challenge yourself, with automatic timer start/stop and best-time tracking.
Create a custom list of player tasks that are reset daily and/or location based. Use this tool for daily crafting, gathering, or achievement tracking. Export your task lists and share them with others!
Stop wondering who is talking and use this tool. Send messages, change TS channels, view the people in the current channel, and be notified when other players enter/leave.
For all other needs, use the embedded Web Browser to check out the wiki, lookup guides, or watch walkthrough videos.
GW2 PAO is available through an installer or zip file.
For those that may be concerned about the security of the embedded Web Browser feature,
a no-browser option is available.
To install, either download and run the installer, or just download the zip,
extract to any location, and run GW2PAO.exe
Windows 7 or Higher
.Net 4.5.2 or Higher
For a full list of releases with release notes, check out the Releases page on GitHub.
109191 All-Time DownloadsThis software does not include any hacks or cheats, and makes use of official APIs built into the game and built by ArenaNet. Using this software is in no way different than using other GW2 informational websites, event trackers, and overlays.
Some additional links:
Chris Cleary's (ArenaNet employee) post regarding version 1.0 of this overlay
ArenaNet's forum post regarding another GW2 overlay utility
ArenaNet's official policy on 3rd-Party Programs
No. Due to some technical reasons for how Fullscreen games take over the monitor, the overlay does not work when the game is running in fullscreen (at this time). The game must be running in Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen for it to properly overlay on top of the game. It's possible that this may be added in the future.
No. Mac OS is not supported at this time.
Issues can be reported at the Github Issues Page, or at the GW2 PAO Forums.
Maybe! For all feature requests and suggestions, head over to the Forums.